Saraswati Chandat

Support My Campaign
Tata Mumbai Marathon 2024

Empower Hope: Join me in Supporting Parkinson's patients. 

Today, I am reaching out with a heartfelt appeal to join us in making a positive difference in the lives of those affected by Parkinson's disease.

Behind every statistic lies a story—a story of resilience, strength, and the daily battles fought by individuals and their families grappling with Parkinson's. Our fundraising initiative aims to provide much-needed resources for Parkinson's patients, ensuring they have access to essential care, support services, and opportunities for a better quality of life. Your small contribution can pay for their medication like syndopa and other medical expenses which are not affordable to patients belonging to lower socioeconomic background. Every dollar contributed and every voice raised brings us closer to a future free from the constraints of Parkinson's. With the power of collective action and lasting impact is possible.

Imagine facing each day with the uncertainty that Parkinson's disease brings—its impact on mobility, communication, and overall well-being. This is the reality for thousands of individuals and families, and we believe that with your support, we can make a meaningful impact.

Let's empower the hope together. Thank you for your compassion and support.

My Fundraising Goal
` 1150 of ` 1000

About Me
I am a psychology student. This field reflects the desires to delve
1 Donor Messages
"Keep up the good work. "
29th January 2024
My Fundraising Goal
` 1150 of ` 1000

Raising Money For
Parkinson's Disease And Movement Disorder Society
PDMDS is an all India 'Registered Charity Society'. The main objectives of our society is to improve care and treatment of people living with Parkinson's and its spectrum disorders and to disseminate knowledge amongst the medical community, public, patients and caretakers.
3 Supporters
Gail Singh
Stacey Singh
* Supporter count includes those chosen to remain anonymous and not listed here