Himan Punjabi

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Tata Mumbai Marathon 2024

Child sexual abuse is a harrowing epidemic in India, one that leaves a lasting scar on the lives of innocent children. According to a widely cited 2007 study by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, an alarming 53% of children in India experience one or more forms of sexual abuse before they reach the age of 18. This statistic is not just a number; it represents the profound suffering and anguish of countless young lives. We believe it's time to take a stand, make a difference, and protect the future of our nation.

HEAL has been diligently working to combat child sexual abuse by providing education and awareness programs. Our mission is clear: to prevent sexual abuse of children through the power of education. We aim to enable all stakeholders - teachers, parents, and children themselves - to understand, recognize, and respond sensitively to this grave issue.

Our approach revolves around conducting child safety workshops, starting with teachers and then parents. We firmly believe that knowledge is the key to prevention, and these workshops equip adults with the tools and information needed to protect our children.

But that's not all. We also conduct personal body safety workshops for children from Grade 1 to Grade 10. In these workshops, we teach children about their personal boundaries, the right names of private body parts, the concept of personal space, and the difference between safe and unsafe touch. Our aim is to empower children to understand and protect themselves, creating a generation that is informed, vigilant, and safe.

However, we cannot achieve this mission alone. Child sexual abuse is a deeply entrenched issue, and addressing it requires resources, commitment, and community involvement. Your contribution to our fundraiser can make a significant impact. With your help, we can expand our workshops, reach more schools and communities, and ultimately protect more children from the horrors of abuse.

Your donation will go directly towards funding the workshops, materials, and resources needed to educate, empower, and protect children. Together, we can change the trajectory of countless young lives and give them the safe and nurturing environment they deserve.

Please consider making a donation today. Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a difference. You have the power to be a part of the solution and help create a safer and brighter future for our children.

My Fundraising Goal
` 7000 of ` 20000

About Me
Hi, I am Himan Punjabi a student of the cathedral and john connon school, Mumbai. I'm 16 years old and have always been active in organizing and supporting fundraisers, I empathize with the plight of the affected populace and sexual abuse is something I have very strong feelings about. Thus I am very proud to help raise funds for this cause.
1 Donor Messages
"Hi Himan. Proud to know that you are taking an active part in this drive. Keep it up!!"
Ashok Ahuja
23rd November 2023
My Fundraising Goal
` 7000 of ` 20000

Raising Money For
The HEAL Foundation
The HEAL Foundation founded by Rahul Bose in 2008, HEAL (Help Eradicate Abuse Through Learning) through the tool of workshops, aims to educate children and adults on how to recognize, prevent and respond to Child Sexual Abuse. HEAL has reached 110,000 children and adults up till 2022.
3 Supporters
Dev Gupta
Meher Punjabi
Ashok Ahuja
* Supporter count includes those chosen to remain anonymous and not listed here