DEEDS is an NGO which serves the community of Deaf persons in imparting Education, Vocational Training and Ensuring Job placements, for the Deaf . It was established over two and a half decades ago.

DEEDS has helped 20,000 Deaf live better and given suitable job placements to 2000 Deaf youth .

DEEDS have 11 projects in Mumbai both Educational & Vocational in nature and a special school for Deaf from KG. to Std 12th in Dehradun.with Hostel facility

All Education is imparted to Deaf students totally Free of Cost. The Deaf youth undergoing Training in several vocations are given respectable stipends. during the training period. Most of the teachers are themselves Deaf. This makes it better for the teachers and the taught to form a close rapport leading to better understanding of the subject taught.

All education is imparted in English to the Deaf students through the medium of ( ISL) Indian Sign Language.

DEEDS is an NGO which serves the community of Deaf persons by providing Free Education & Vocational training, thereby ensuring job placements for the

Deaf- the only one of its kind to offer job placements in its mandate to the DEAF.

Deafness is an invisible disability – to which we often turn a deaf ear.

There are over 17 million Deaf in India today and of the 2 million NGOs only 0.1 % work in this area for the betterment of the Deaf.

Our Mission: Is to make the Deaf financially self reliant and contributors in society through education, vocational training and development in skill sets that enable and empower. them

DEEDS has the following Affiliations .

1.: Registration No. E20961 under Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950,

2. 12A, ,

3. 80G Tax Exemption certificate,

4. Darpan Reg No ,

5. 10B.

Achievements: In the two decades DEEDS has helped 20000 Deaf live better not only in Mumbai & Dehradun and given placements to 20000 Deaf youth.

Our Ongoing Projects: Conducted free for all Deaf.are as follows:

1) School for Deaf - The Bajaj Institute of Learning, Dehradun with hostel facility.

2) DEEDS Catering Institute, Mumbai -

3) Basic English Literacy Course for Young Deaf Adults,, Mumbai -

4) Basic English Literacy Course for Deaf students in Special Schools for Deaf Mumbai -

5) DEEDS Computer Centers in 3 Special Schools for Deaf Mumbai

6) DEEDS Junior College Mumbai -

7) DEEDS Degree College , Mumbai -

8) DEEDS SMART Computer Center in Basic and Advanced skills for young Deaf adults, Mumbai -

9) DEEDS Work Readiness Program in Mumbai -

10) DEEDS Placement Cell in Mumbai

11) Hostel for Deaf Students in Mumbai


The funds that are received through sale of Bibs and pledge will be utilized in the vocational training programs in Mumbai. DEEDS Catering Institute Started in 2007, it is the only one of its kind not only in India, but in Asia. It offers one-year training in culinary skills to young Deaf adults to make them professionally competent in commercial food production. It imparts training in 135 recipes to Deaf youth. The course is certified by the Maharashtra State Vocation Board. The students are then placed in reputable kitchens of many 5 Star Hotels & Restaurants in the allied industry. The pandemic has resulted in DEEDS starting online short term training in culinary skills for Deaf youth. This one has the advantage of having students (Deaf) PAN India, hence we are happy to be able to serve the community of Deaf in this manner.The envisaged programme is free for the Deaf. The emphasis will be on practical demonstrations rather than on theory. 3) Basic English Literacy Course for Young Deaf adults, Mumbai English taught through Indian Sign Language is taught to DEAF adults by DEAF Trainers so that it ensures a safe and lucrative future for the successful students and also provide placements if required by the students. 4) Basic English Literacy Course for Deaf students in Special Schools for Deaf Mumbai This program refers to Teach Basic English to Deaf youth and students in Special Schools for Deaf across Mumbai through the medium of Indian Sign Language (ISL) imparted by a Deaf teacher. For Deaf students it opens up opportunities for college education in hearing colleges. Over 350 Deaf students associated with the Special schools for Deaf Mumbai have benefitted from this unique program. It is an on-going project & equips Deaf youth with knowledge of English which helps them get better job opportunities in future. 5) DEEDS Junior and Degree College Commerce Mumbai Deaf Students are taught subjects in Commerce and English through ISL to enable them to qualify for HSC State Board Examination and subsequently to become B.Com Graduates in a safe & secure environment. 6) DEEDS SMART Computer Centre in Basic and Advanced skills for young Deaf adults, Mumbai This center imparts training in Basic Computers skills to young Deaf adults. The course includes subjects like Basic Computer Skill, Basic English and Work Readiness and after completion the students are given placements in Data Entry, stock taking, Inventory etc 7) DEEDS Work Readiness Program Mumbai This program has been devised to prepare Deaf youth for jobs so that they continue to work in the job given to them by DEEDS. One of the reasons for starting this particular programme was to give special emphasis on workplace behaviour. 8) DEEDS Placement Cell Mumbai Placement cell seeks suitable jobs for Deaf youth of their choice and aptitude. It is the function of the DEEDS Placement Cell to identify& recognise these aspects and match them to a particular job profile. Sourcing out jobs , training the DEAf youth to become eligible and eventually get employed is the function of this programme. 9) DEEDS Housekeeping Retail & Hospitality Trade Training Programme The course gives intensive training on Housekeeping, Hospitality & Retail pertaining to F & B Services. It includes Work Readiness Pre and Post Employment to a large extent. The key objective of this training is to give professional training to Deaf youth free of cost in Hospitality, Retail and Housekeeping so as to make them proficient in the trade and thus making them employable. Total number of Deaf who have benefited till date from the intervention by DEEDS 19500 and 1950 Deaf youth given placements. DEEDS has always been concerned about the Deaf Community and hence have as our Vision and Mission of giving a better life to the Deaf through Education, Enabling (Skill Training) and Empowering by providing suitable jobs, thereby making the Deaf financially self reliant and contributors in main stream society. Over 2 and half decades of experience has made us realise that giving them education and training in a safe and protective environment through Deaf trainers.

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6th Floor, Mumbai Educational Trust,
Bandra Reclamation, Bandra (West),
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