

Parkinson's is an incurable progressive condition requiring life long management. Quantifiable measures on the direct beneficiaries i.e People with Parkinson's Disease have shown an improvement in various aspects of the condition such as alleviation of motor and non motor aspects (rigidity, posture, balance, walking difficulties, tremors, anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, caregiver burden), better management of activities of daily living, improvement in the quality of life and mood elevation.
PDMDS intends to
1. To increase the reach of PDMDS to all parts of our country where no services exist.
2. To Develop Multidisciplinary Centres for PD pan India with the following objectives :
- Rehabilitation & Support
- Provide support group programs and additionally specialized individual therapy for people with Parkinson's and their caregivers unable to attend a support group program.
- Programs for young onset PWPs who refrain from attending support group programs
- Programs for caregivers
3. Dissemination of Knowledge : Educate people with Parkinson's and their caregivers on various symptoms, implications and treatments available
4. Awareness : Increase awareness about Parkinson's Disease to the geriatric and general public
5. Develop Resource Material : Brochures, pamphlets, audio-visuals, booklets, newsletters to educate people with Parkinson's and their caregivers.
6. Training : Design and Conduct training programs for professionals and volunteers.
7. To provide healthy living among senior citizens, healthy ageing programs will be conducted at the senior residential homes and senior citizens groups

Photos / Videos

17 photos/videos found.

Cause Area:



231134 of 2500000
2 supporters
Karan Freese
Karan Lakhani

Our Fundraisers

Manish Harshad Kamdar
Fundraiser Gold
118612 of 125000
Kavya Kamdar
Fundraiser Bronze
30500 of 25000
Kshitij Thakkar
Fundraiser Bronze
25001 of 25000
Karan Freese
Fundraiser Bronze
21521 of 25000
Varun Toshniwal
0 of 100000

Fund Utilization in 2024

Total funds raised in 2024 - INR 109271.69
Project NameTreatment and Rehabilitation for people with Parkinson's and their caregivers
Amount Utilized (INR)109271.69
Project DescriptionThis project delivered free of cost multidisciplinary rehabilitation and care through support group centres for people with Parkinson's and their caregivers established in various cities pan India. The multidisciplinary model of care focussed on self-management strategies for ‘Activities of Daily Living’ to improve independence and quality of life and reduce caregiver burden and stress. Hence the sessions were held in a group format to deliver physiotherapy, occupational therapy, cognitive rehabilitation, counselling, dance and movement therapy, creative therapies etc. Multidisciplinary model of care is delivered through various services: Physical and online Group Therapy sessions for people with Parkinson’s and their caregivers, need based individual phone counselling, multilingual exercise programmes, instructional videos and documents. Allied health professionals, health professionals in private and government are given training for management of Parkinson's Disease. Through ‘Healthy Ageing’ program we reach out to senior citizens and those living at senior residential facilities. Through this program, we conduct exercise and activity sessions in group format that promote physical, cognitive and psychological well being and also educate on neurological conditions prevalent in the elderly population, particularly Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Stroke.
Locations Pan India
CausesHealth > Preventive healthcare,Health > Medical Support,Health > Mental health
Beneficiary GroupElderly,Persons with Disabilities
Beneficiary DescriptionThe beneficiaries for the project are people with Parkinson' who are above 60 as well as young onset Parkinson's patients who are between age group of 30- 60 yrs. Parkinson's affect the whole family so caregiver's sessions are also conducted to support them through this journey and decrease caregiver burden. Senior citizens in old age homes and attending senior citizen associations too are members of benefitted by the healthy ageing sessions. Youth in colleges and schools are educated through internship programs. Training of allied health professionals in physiotherapy, psychology, nursing field are trained to manage the disease.
ImpactPDMDS is providing free rehabilitation programs to improve the quality of life of people with Parkinson’s Disease and other neurological disorders including Stroke, and Dementia
amongst many others. The impact has been :
- Rehabilitation and Educational programs for PD and their caregivers
- Improved Quality of life of the residents of the old age homes
- Increased awareness about the importance of Healthy Ageing and neurological conditions
- Collaboration with the organizations in the area including Government, N.G.O.s, Social Organizations etc.
- Sensitized Medical officers and personnel at Primary Health Centres and sub centres on neurological conditions of elderly and the resultant referrals of patients to Government Hospital
Activities Conducted
NoActivity / Item / BeneficiariesQuantity / Number, if applicable
1 Parkinson’s Support groups 58
2 Young Onset support group 1
3 Online support groups-Marathi, Hindi, English , Gujarati, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam 8
4 Number of people with Parkinson's Disease benefitted 4932
5 Number of Healthy ageing centres in old age homes and senior citizen associations 148
6 Number of senior citizens benefitted 3800

Fund Utilization in 2023

Total funds raised in 2023 - INR 225314
Project NameTreatment and Rehabilitation of People with Parkinson's
Amount Utilized (INR)225314
Project DescriptionThe beneficiaries are provided with free of cost rehabilitation support and care. The funds from Marathon were utilized for the following activities:
1. Educational, interventional and awareness programs to promote physical and psychological wellbeing through old age homes and senior citizen groups.
2. Network and raise awareness amongst Govt, Non Govt. Organizations, Medical and Allied Health professionals on the need for programs for the Elderly
3.Support and rehabilitation for neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s, Stroke and Dementia through group rehabilitation
4. Patient welfare through free medicines
5. Resource materials for education purposes
LocationsMumbai City > Maharashtra (MH),Mumbai suburban > Maharashtra (MH)
CausesHealth > Preventive healthcare,Health > Awareness & advocacy
Beneficiary GroupElderly,Persons with Disabilities
Beneficiary DescriptionThe beneficiaries of the program are both senior citizens and those patients who have Parkinson's Disease and their caregivers. There are around 700 patients with PD who attend the support groups. Their caregivers too are educated about PD and given special support on need basis. There are 500 senior citizens in various senior citizen homes who stay in senior residential homes who get healthy ageing sessions. Administrative and staff of the old age homes are trained on healthy ageing strategies.
Impact• Reaching out to more People living with Parkinson’s and their caregivers
• Provide multidisciplinary rehabilitation and care to PwPs and caregivers.
• Improvement in Quality of Life and facilitating independent living amongst PwPs
• Symptom management and improvement in mobilization amongst PwPs
• Ease and improvement in performance of activities of daily living
• Improvement in psychological, cognitive and emotional health
• Decrease in feelings of loneliness, and a building of feelings of fellowship and belonging
• Building of a social support network
• Reduced caregiver burden and improved relationships
• Creating Awareness amongst the public to aid in timely diagnosis and sensitize them about the manifestations of the condition.

Activities Conducted
NoActivity / Item / BeneficiariesQuantity / Number, if applicable
1 Group rehabilitative therapy for people with Parkinson's 700
2 Group healthy ageing sessions for elderlies in old age homes 500
3 Education and training programs for caregivers of people with Parkinson's 25
4 Awareness and Sensitization for youth, senior citizen groups, general public 50000
Office Address:
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6th Floor, Mumbai Educational Trust,
Bandra Reclamation, Bandra (West),
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