

Dear Supporters,

We cordially invite you to join our mission at the Reach Education Action Programme (REAP) aimed at transforming the lives and communities of marginalized children living in slums, tribal areas, and rural regions. Our dedicated commitment is to strive for an educational movement that emancipates lives and empowers underserved communities through a comprehensive approach.

Your generous contributions will be utilized strategically in the following key areas:

Foundational Learning Centers: Your support will facilitate the expansion of our learning program, ensuring that children from marginalized communities access foundational learning. We will provide additional resources, employ specialized educators, and furnish essential learning materials to bridge educational gaps and develop these children to achieve sustainable development.

EcoSTEM Education: A substantial portion of your donation will be allocated to our EcoSTEM initiative, which combines STEM education with environmental awareness and robotics. This initiative equips participants with crucial skills to address pressing environmental challenges and industry requirements of 21st century. Your support will enable us to enhance this program, broaden its reach, and invest in cutting-edge technology and educational resources.

Your generosity will directly impact those in need, creating a brighter and more sustainable future for all. Together, we can make a lasting difference. We extend our heartfelt thanks for your support.

With deep gratitude,


Photos / Videos

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Cause Area:



856150 of 5000000
Fundraiser Rating

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1 supporters

Our Fundraisers

Joy Fernandes
Change Investor
544550 of 600000
Manoj Pradhan
Fundraiser Gold
128000 of 100000
Assis Rodrigues
Fundraiser Silver
68000 of 100000
Arun Philip Simon
Fundraiser Bronze
26100 of 100000
Joshua Dsouza
Fundraiser Bronze
26000 of 50000
Calvin Pereira
Fundraiser Bronze
23000 of 20000
Ruchika Thakur
Fundraiser Bronze
12000 of 100000
Fr. Ajit Tellis
Fundraiser Bronze
10000 of 20000
Seby Varghese
0 of 20000
Frazer Mascarenhas S.J.
0 of 500000
Subodh Prakash Rajam
0 of 10000
Noel Dsouza
0 of 50000

Fund Utilization in 2024

Total funds raised in 2024 - INR 220650
Project NameSTEM Education for Girls
Amount Utilized (INR)220650
Project DescriptionThe project is implemented to impart quality STEM learning to 500 Girls studying from Grade-1 to 8. The project will be first of its kind for these children to lack exposure to lab equipment, coding and robotics applications on subjects like Engineering, Technology, Science, and mathematics. Learning of difficult subjects will be easier and complex concepts will be easily comprehended.
Generally, girls are highly vulnerable and deprived of technology education due to gender discrimination and cultural beliefs that women and girls are good for cooking, nursing etc. Hence, to empower the girls and change this gender stereotypes, we are taking a special drive to conduct STEM training for girls and develop a passion among them for new knowledge and new jobs.
In addition to subject knowledge, the girls will acquire skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, group work, communications, self-learning and self-management by project activities and trying to solve real life problems in the classroom or lab environments. These children will have developed a passion for science and technology subjects motivating them to become future scientists, technocrats and engineers. This will make a huge impact on socio-economic development of their families and communities.
LocationsThane > Maharashtra (MH)
CausesEducation > STEM
Beneficiary GroupChildren,Women
Beneficiary DescriptionThe STEM Udaan project is centered around girls aged 8 to 18 in the Kalwa slums of Thane, Maharashtra. This demographic represents economically disadvantaged families, many of whom are migrants seeking better livelihoods. These children often face disruptions in their education due to migration and struggle with limited access to quality educational resources, particularly in STEM fields. The project focuses on fostering equal opportunities and gender inclusivity, actively involving the community, parents, and local schools to build a supportive ecosystem for STEM learning.
ImpactGirls are deprived of access to technology education and training due to gender discrimination and cultural barriers in society. Hence, there is a need to change this belief and values in society and empower the girls through STEM training. We conducted a special drive to impart STEM training to 100 girls in 1st phase and develop a passion among them for new knowledge and new jobs.
Through hands-on robotics and STEM learning, it aspires to unlock the limitless potential of children, equipping them with 21st century industry skills and knowledge. With the active involvement of local schools, community partnerships, and an intensive teacher training component, this project aims to make a lasting impact on the lives of these young learners, empowering them to dream, discover, and achieve in the world of science and technology. By providing access to quality STEM education, project is not just shaping young minds; it's shaping a brighter, more inclusive future for the Kalwa community.
Activities Conducted
NoActivity / Item / BeneficiariesQuantity / Number, if applicable
1 STEM Learning Equipment 60 Sets
2 STEM Trainers Remuneration 2-Trainers
3 STEM Camps 4 Summer camps
Office Address:
United Way Mumbai,
6th Floor, Mumbai Educational Trust,
Bandra Reclamation, Bandra (West),
Mumbai 400 050
Tel: +91 22 69523100

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