

India is leading the digitalisation growth across the world, since 2011. Within India, digitalisation has been progressing steadily from Metros into smaller Urban areas and Rural areas. VIDYA India's mission is to become a significant enabler to skill-up Children, Youth and Women, to equip them to be digital entrepreneurs, become work-force ready and create socio-economic advancement in this new digital era.

VIDYA India, with 40 years of experience in providing quality education to 5 Lac+ underprivileged Indians, has launched Digi Skill @VIDYA India'' initiative in 20 centers. These centers are providing comprehensive digital education - consisting of basic computer courses, Microsoft office courses, Coding, Tally, usage of smartphone applications etc.

VIDYA India will partner with various organizations for internships and also conduct employee training at these centers.

The need is to expand the network to 50 DigiSkill centers across India.

Your valuable contribution will directly impact the lives of thousands, empowering them with the

skills & tools they need to thrive in the digital age. Together let us pave the way for every Indian to harness the power of digital skills and achieve their dreams. Come empower India’s future with us.

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Fund Utilization in 2024

Total funds raised in 2024 - INR 865090
Amount Utilized (INR)865090
Project DescriptionVIDYA DEP (Digital Empowerment Program) has been running a School and college Partnership Program for the past 5-6 years. The program has been successfully implemented in Nine low-income schools and Two colleges, and in the last year alone, it impacted around 8000 beneficiaries.

VIDYA DEP (Digi Skill – Skilling for Youth) Program aims to provide quality education and skills training to students from underprivileged backgrounds. VIDYA DEP works with low-income private schools and colleges to provide academic enrichment, and digital literacy to their students. The program helps to bridge the gap between privileged and underprivileged students by providing access to essential resources and opportunities.

Through this program, VIDYA DEP has been able to improve the quality of education in low-income schools and colleges provide better opportunities for students to succeed. The program has had a positive impact on the lives of thousands of students, helping them to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the modern world.
LocationsMumbai suburban > Maharashtra (MH)
CausesEducation > Digital Learning
Beneficiary GroupChildren,Women,Others
Beneficiary Description1.Age group - children - 6 to 15 youth 16 and above women 20 and above from less privilege backgrounds 2. gender break up male 40% female 60% 3. No of beneficiaries We will impact 10,000 beneficiaries in the FY 2025
ImpactThrough our digital literacy program we have impacted 8000 beneficiaries from low income schools.
Activities Conducted
NoActivity / Item / BeneficiariesQuantity / Number, if applicable
1 Imparting digital literacy/life skill/Spoken English/workshop on AI and cyber security 8000

Fund Utilization in 2023

Total funds raised in 2023 - INR 952.85
Project NameBeyond School Chaitanya Nagar Program
Amount Utilized (INR)952.85
Project DescriptionBeyond School Program Chaitanya Nagar program - community based educational initiative where we support 250 beneficiaries of secondary level. The FY 2022-23 the beneficiaries participated in stem fair where they had done the projects on various topics where there was extra stationery required. The amount was utilized forb the same purpose.
LocationsMumbai City > Maharashtra (MH),Mumbai City > Maharashtra (MH)
CausesEducation > Remedial education
Beneficiary GroupChildren
Beneficiary Description250 beneficiaries age group 12 to 15 yrs girls 60% and boys 40%
ImpactOver past ten years we have impacted 13000 beneficiaries under beyond school education
Activities Conducted
NoActivity / Item / BeneficiariesQuantity / Number, if applicable
1 Literacy and numeracy session(academic intervention) along with life skill and digital literacy 250
Office Address:
United Way Mumbai,
6th Floor, Mumbai Educational Trust,
Bandra Reclamation, Bandra (West),
Mumbai 400 050
Tel: +91 22 69523100

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