Akshara Foundation was established as a Public Charitable Trust in March, 2000. The organization is founded on the belief that quality education is the undeniable right of every child. It was conceived as a tripartite partnership between the government, the private sector and the voluntary sector. While India’s access to schools and enrolment ratio in primary schools is one of the highest in the world, assessments on quality of education report at least 50% of children across grades are below minimum learning levels.
Akshara has designed a model called Ganitha Kalika Andolana (GKA), literally translating to “Math Learning Movement”)- a scaled-up math movement for improving primary math proficiencies in primary and middle school levels and is implemented in partnership with state governments.
GKA has already covered all government primary schools in Karnataka, all government primary schools in all districts of Odisha and 2,500 model schools in Andhra Pradesh. Since its launch, GKA has touched the lives of over 7 million children across these three states. Akshara is the numeracy partner of the states of Karnataka (since 2015) and Odisha (since 2017). Effectively, academic year 2020-21 onwards, every government primary school in Karnataka and Odisha has worked towards implementing GKA.


Ganitha Kalika Andolana Field implementation by Akshara:

Provide access to joyful math learning to children in all government schools in the District.
Create a cadre of Education Volunteers to ensure long term sustainability. Today Education Volunteers give 2-4 hours a month of their time completely pro-bono towards sustaining the GKA programme.
Facilitate Gram Panchayat contests to test children for their Math skills
Engage Cluster Resource Persons/ Block Education Officers / Head Teachers in implementing GKA
Facilitate Pedagogical capacity building besides regular training

Our Deliverables:
Ensure every government school in the district has a GKA math kit
Ensure every school has all Mathematics teachers trained in GKA
Capacity building - Build a cadre of state human resources to provide on-site support to teachers
Maintain a technology platform to collect, collate, analyse, disseminate data in a timely and accurate manner
Facilitate Gram Panchayat Contests to assess learning outcomes of children & provide all stakeholders with an annual report detailing performance of each school in math with recommendations for improvement.

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Cause Area:



10000 of 1000000
1 supporters

Fund Utilization in 2024

Total funds raised in 2024 - INR 511441
Project NameGanitha Kalika Andolnana (GKA)
Amount Utilized (INR)511441
Project DescriptionGanitha Kalika Andolana (GKA) is a multi-stakeholder initiative for improving the mathematics learning outcomes of India’s government school system. Since 2015, it has been taught to children from grades 1 to 5 based on the philosophy of ‘Activity Based Learning’ (ABL). It is a robust and effective model that engages multiple stakeholders to facilitate learning inside classrooms and at home.
GKA has benefitted over 7 million children studying in Government Primary schools in Karnataka, Odisha, and Andhra Pradesh till date.
The Numeracy at Scale Study cites Akshara Foundation's flagship - Ganitha Kalika Andolana (GKA), as one of six successful programmes from across the world to have improved early grade numeracy outcomes at scale.
LocationsGanjam > Odisha (OD)
CausesEducation > Digital Learning,Education > Teacher training,Education > Awareness & advocacy
Beneficiary GroupChildren
Beneficiary DescriptionChildren attending the Government School in the grades from 1st Std to 5th Std
Impact1. System Level- Scale is enabled through public policy. The System Leader- State Government’s buy- in (through multi-year MoUs) and financial commitment is key as is the commitment of various cadres of the State Education Department to support implementation.
2. Teachers- Quality is enhanced by providing learning tools to teachers in classrooms and system- wide capacity. Till date over 200,000 teachers and education administrators have been trained, both physically and digitally.
3. Children- Bringing experiential activity-based math learning to over 7 million government primary school children cumulatively over the last 8 years across 90,000 schools in Karnataka and Odisha.
4. Building Blocks, the Math learning app enables at-home digital learning for the child and is deployed through “Energized Text Books (ETB)” anchored by DIKSHA.
5. Community Level (Gram Panchayats and Village Administration, Parents, School Development & Monitoring Committees, Community members) - Catalyzing community interaction with the government school system, by empowering them with local learning quality data. A cadre of ~55,000 community volunteers in villages across Karnataka and Odisha have been mobilised by Akshara and they work absolutely pro bono in implementation of GKA
Activities Conducted
NoActivity / Item / BeneficiariesQuantity / Number, if applicable
1 Math Learning for Children in the age group of 1 to 5 10000

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