

Ganitha Kalika Andolana Field implementation by Akshara:

Provide access to joyful math learning to children in all government schools in the District.
Create a cadre of Education Volunteers to ensure long term sustainability. Today Education Volunteers give 2-4 hours a month of their time completely pro-bono towards sustaining the GKA programme.
Facilitate Gram Panchayat contests to test children for their Math skills
Engage Cluster Resource Persons/ Block Education Officers / Head Teachers in implementing GKA
Facilitate Pedagogical capacity building besides regular training

Our Deliverables:
Ensure every government school in the district has a GKA math kit
Ensure every school has all Mathematics teachers trained in GKA
Capacity building - Build a cadre of state human resources to provide on-site support to teachers
Maintain a technology platform to collect, collate, analyse, disseminate data in a timely and accurate manner
Facilitate Gram Panchayat Contests to assess learning outcomes of children & provide all stakeholders with an annual report detailing performance of each school in math with recommendations for improvement.

Photos / Videos

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Cause Area:



34000 of 1000000
2 supporters

Fund Utilization in 2024

Total funds raised in 2024 - INR 511441
Project NameGanitha Kalika Andolnana (GKA)
Amount Utilized (INR)511441
Project DescriptionGanitha Kalika Andolana (GKA) is a multi-stakeholder initiative for improving the mathematics learning outcomes of India’s government school system. Since 2015, it has been taught to children from grades 1 to 5 based on the philosophy of ‘Activity Based Learning’ (ABL). It is a robust and effective model that engages multiple stakeholders to facilitate learning inside classrooms and at home.
GKA has benefitted over 7 million children studying in Government Primary schools in Karnataka, Odisha, and Andhra Pradesh till date.
The Numeracy at Scale Study cites Akshara Foundation's flagship - Ganitha Kalika Andolana (GKA), as one of six successful programmes from across the world to have improved early grade numeracy outcomes at scale.
LocationsGanjam > Odisha (OD)
CausesEducation > Digital Learning,Education > Teacher training,Education > Awareness & advocacy
Beneficiary GroupChildren
Beneficiary DescriptionChildren attending the Government School in the grades from 1st Std to 5th Std
Impact1. System Level- Scale is enabled through public policy. The System Leader- State Government’s buy- in (through multi-year MoUs) and financial commitment is key as is the commitment of various cadres of the State Education Department to support implementation.
2. Teachers- Quality is enhanced by providing learning tools to teachers in classrooms and system- wide capacity. Till date over 200,000 teachers and education administrators have been trained, both physically and digitally.
3. Children- Bringing experiential activity-based math learning to over 7 million government primary school children cumulatively over the last 8 years across 90,000 schools in Karnataka and Odisha.
4. Building Blocks, the Math learning app enables at-home digital learning for the child and is deployed through “Energized Text Books (ETB)” anchored by DIKSHA.
5. Community Level (Gram Panchayats and Village Administration, Parents, School Development & Monitoring Committees, Community members) - Catalyzing community interaction with the government school system, by empowering them with local learning quality data. A cadre of ~55,000 community volunteers in villages across Karnataka and Odisha have been mobilised by Akshara and they work absolutely pro bono in implementation of GKA
Activities Conducted
NoActivity / Item / BeneficiariesQuantity / Number, if applicable
1 Math Learning for Children in the age group of 1 to 5 10000

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