022 23063647


Your contribution will help underprivileged children in India complete their education, get proper healthcare and nutrition while protecting them from child labour and child marriage. You can give them a better future by contributing towards one of the causes mentioned below:

Help underweight babies survive by donating towards their nutrition:
Donate to help underweight babies survive by protecting them from malnutrition, recurring diseases, stunted growth through proper monitoring and care.

Ensure vaccination for children by donating towards their health:
Your donation can ensure children receive timely vaccinations and immunization against life-threatening diseases so that they get a chance to grow up healthy.

Protect children from child labour by donating towards their safety:
Child labour destroys childhoods. By donating towards their safety you can help children go to school instead of work so they can have a chance at a better future.

Help children continue education by donating towards their education:
Through CRY’s bridge learning initiative you can prevent children from dropping out of school by addressing the learning gap.

Even the smallest donation has the power to create a lasting change in the lives of children. Donate today!

Photos / Videos

3 photos/videos found.

Cause Area:



12000 of 4000000
1 supporters

Fund Utilization in 2024

Total funds raised in 2024 - INR 1185617
Project NameEducation and Health
Amount Utilized (INR)1185617
Project DescriptionThe fund were used partly in our project on health in Narmada Gujarat and our overall campaign on Education
LocationsNarmada > Gujarat (GJ)
CausesEducation ,Health
Beneficiary GroupChildren
Beneficiary Description0-6 year old age children for health project and 6-18 year old children for Education project
ImpactIn 22-23, the institutional delivery increase to 99% institutional delivery and 1% home delivery, thus an increase of 14% from 21-22.
58% SAM children has moved to MAM, 50% SAM children moved to Normal and 54% MAM children was moved to Normal.
94% children had received 100% immunisation as per schedule, thus an overall increase of 2%over last year
Activities Conducted
NoActivity / Item / BeneficiariesQuantity / Number, if applicable
1 Boys 368
2 Girls 336

Fund Utilization in 2023

Total funds raised in 2023 - INR 130000
Project NamePraajak (Unnati)
Amount Utilized (INR)130000
Project DescriptionIntervention Approach: DPF [partner Org: Praajak]
Intervention Area: Kolkata slum areas [Ward no – 81, 88, 89], West Bengal
Thematic Area (Cause category): Education and Protection

A short description of the project activities for which the funds were used:
• Identification of drop out, irregular children and mainstreaming them in Govt. schools.
• Organizing child activity center in all operational areas to engage with children (3 education centers) along with fun-based, activity based learning.
• Engaging children in arts-crafts to increase concentration.
• Conducting session on basics of communication with children to make them fear-free to converse.
• Providing educational inputs in form of worksheets and other education materials, like – copies, pens, pencils, coloured papers, crayons etc.
Locations West Bengal (WB)
Beneficiary GroupChildren
Beneficiary DescriptionProject beneficiary details: 224 children [B-101, G-123] covered of 6-18 years. Of these, 45% belong to 6-11 years and rest belong to 12-18 years.
ImpactDuring implementation, the children were undergone into pre-post assessments to understand the progress among the children and impact of the project. At the time of initiation the children faced pre-assessment. It helped the project team to strategize likewise to get progress. Based on the strategies, different fun and activity based sessions were conducted throughout the year and ensured active and quality participation of the children. Even, the digital medium has been utilized for making the children understand regarding difficult subjects through showing 2D-3D explanatory videos. As a result, the post-assessment is depicting a huge change in each category of assessment. Most significant change has been accomplished in the level of communication (esp. in English)
Activities Conducted
NoActivity / Item / BeneficiariesQuantity / Number, if applicable
1 Identification of drop out, irregular children and mainstreaming them in Govt. schools. 224
2 Organizing child activity center in all operational areas to engage with children (3 education centers) along with fun-based, activity based learning.
3 Engaging children in arts-crafts to increase concentration.
4 Conducting session on basics of communication with children to make them fear-free to converse.
5 Providing educational inputs in form of worksheets and other education materials, like – copies, pens, pencils, coloured papers, crayons etc.

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