Established in 2004, Ra Foundation is a Mumbai-based NGO, registered under the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950. For 20 years Ra Foundation has been dedicated to serving the most vulnerable and at-risk children from urban slums and streets, through holistic education, care and empowerment. The Foundation enables transformation in children by providing them access to a safe, caring and motivating environment by facilitating high-quality residential education along with regular counselling support, health support, relationship-building with parents/guardians and community. The program supports the kids till the end of their academic cycle so as to ensure that they are financially independent and contributing members of society.


Ra Foundation intends to support the education of 10 children in school from the funds raised at the Tata Mumbai Marathon. We make an appeal to donate and support the education of our kids to make them professionally employed and independent adults.

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Fund Utilization in 2023

Total funds raised in 2023 - INR 51000
Project NameHappy Kids Program
Amount Utilized (INR)51000
Project DescriptionOur “Happy Kids Program” is currently supporting 18 youth who are pursuing college/professional education. The program supports academic training, mentorship, and career counseling and also focuses on extra-curricular activities, life skills, and social skills for overall personality development.
In addition to this, we ensure the well-being of children with health insurance and psychological counseling. The families of the children are also involved to ensure a well-nurtured environment for the child at home. And all this at a minimal administrative cost, so as to utilize maximum funds for the benefit of the children.
LocationsMumbai suburban > Maharashtra (MH)
CausesEducation > Education scholarships
Beneficiary GroupChildren
Beneficiary DescriptionOur children come from vulnerable families of the street and slums of Mumbai, and are in the age group of 9-21 years, with a 50% participation of each gender.
ImpactThe Happy Kids Program has supported 65 kids through residential schooling and college education. Our Alumni who are 25 in number are financially independent, role models for other children in their families & communities, and meaningfully contribute to society.
Activities Conducted
NoActivity / Item / BeneficiariesQuantity / Number, if applicable
1 College Education Scholarships 13
2 Mentorship 17
3 Life Skills Sessions 12
4 Internships 6

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