SENEH is working for the most under privileged and deprived section of society, mainly women. The main activity of ‘Seneh’ is running a home for Destitute old Women at Guwahati. The residents of Seneh were mostly pavement dwellers who had no Shelter, Means of Sustenance or anyone to care for. The women had myriads of ailments some physical, others both mental and physical. The intensity of their sufferings in the past can be understood from the fact that in case of four out of 27 residents , but for seneh’s intervention, they would have probably died in a few hours. Nine were picked up from the streets in complete mental deranged conditions, treated as in patient in local psychiatric hospital for varying periods. Now they are cured and are leading somewhat normal lives with of course regular psychiatric medication.


Bhavada Devi Memorial Philanthropic Trust, SENEH is working for the most under privileged and deprived section of society, mainly women. The main activity of ‘Seneh’ is running a home for Destitute old Women at Guwahati. The residents of Seneh were mostly pavement dwellers who had no Shelter, Means of Sustenance or anyone to care for. The women had myriads of ailments some physical, others both mental and physical. The intensity of their sufferings in the past can be understood from the fact that in case of four out of 27 residents , but for seneh’s intervention, they would have probably died in a few hours. Nine were picked up from the streets in complete mental deranged conditions, treated as in patient in local psychiatric hospital for varying periods. Now they are cured and are leading somewhat normal lives with of course regular psychiatric medication.
The residents of Seneh are given shelter, food, complete medical care, clothing, means of entertainment, all absolutely free.
The other activities of the trust are as follows.
a. Provision of yearly stipend to the top ranking girls from each class in a Girls school in remote, extremely poor area.
b. Distribution of Sanitary pads free to 500 adolescent girls studying in different schools of remote and under privileged areas.
c. Provisions of free breakfast to about 150 attendants of Cancer patients of General ward of local Dr. B. Barooah Cancer Hospital, Guwahati
d. Disaster relief work for flood victims as well as in Covid times by providing food, drinking water, mosquito nets and clothing items in remote areas of the state of Assam

Cause Area:

Elderly Care


228601 of 1000000
1 supporters

Our Fundraisers

Ancy Fernandes
Change Maker
227601 of 1000000
Office Address:
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6th Floor, Mumbai Educational Trust,
Bandra Reclamation, Bandra (West),
Mumbai 400 050
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