The HEAL (Help Eradicate Abuse Through Learning) founded by Rahul Bose in 2008 , aims to educate children & adults on how to recognize, prevent and respond to Child Sexual Abuse through the tool of awareness workshops. HEAL has reached 1,20,000 children and adults up till 2023. We aim to create a safer environment for children to thrive in.


HEAL (Help Eradicate Abuse Through Learning) is an NGO working in the area of Child Sexual Abuse since 2008. India is home to little more than 430 million children, however, it is ranked as the 6th most unsafe country in the world. As per the study conducted by the Women and child development ministry, (2007), more than 50% of children in India face one or more forms of sexual abuse. In spite of a dire need to address CSA, we see that this issue is not addressed enough in society and conversations around CSA are often stigmatised. To this end, HEAL aims to bring awareness and encourage conversations around CSA by conducting awareness workshops for adults and body safety workshop for children. Through these workshops, the goal is to equip the adults to recognize and deal with CSA, as well as help the survivors the best they can; and help the children establish body safety and autonomy. HEAL envisions a community that upholds, understands and values the rights of its children by protecting them from sexual abuse.

Your funds will help HEAL carry on with its fight against CSA. Be a part of our efforts. We look forward to your generous support.

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Fund Utilization in 2024

Total funds raised in 2024 - INR 6602503
Project NameHEAL
Amount Utilized (INR)3675548
Project DescriptionThe funds were used for conducting Prevention of child sexual abuse workshops at Navi Mumbai Municipal Schools. In each schools, the workshops were conducted with primary and secondary children and separate workshop was conducted with the teachers.
LocationsMumbai City > Maharashtra (MH)
CausesPublic Safety > Awareness & advocacy
Beneficiary GroupChildren
Beneficiary DescriptionThe workshop was conducted with primary and secondary children (Boys & Girls) of Navi Mumbai Corporation schools. It was also conducted with the teaching and non-teaching staff of the school.
ImpactThe project has impacted over 30 Navi Mumbai Municipal corporation schools so far. They got to learn about safe and unsafe touch, how to identify when someone is making them feel unsafe, learnt the right name about body parts, how to stay safe digitally, and what to do when someone makes them feel unsafe.
The teachers were taught about the law POCSO and how to handle cases of disclosure of child sexual abuse, that comes from the children.
Activities Conducted
NoActivity / Item / BeneficiariesQuantity / Number, if applicable
1 Awareness workshop for Adults 30
2 Personal Body safety workshop for Children 150

Fund Utilization in 2023

Total funds raised in 2023 - INR 3669328
Project NameHEAL
Amount Utilized (INR)2891869
Project DescriptionThe funds were used for Helping to HEAL Program, for conducting prevention of CSA Workshops for Adults and Personal Body Safety workshops for Children. Apart from this, they were also used for paying the trainers who conducted these workshops free of cost.
LocationsMumbai City > Maharashtra (MH)
CausesEducation > Awareness & advocacy
Beneficiary GroupChildren
Beneficiary DescriptionChildren (Grade 1- Grade 10): To equip them with personal body safety skills and safe and unsafe touch Adults (Grade 1- Grade 12)- Teaching and Non-Teaching staff in school: To create awareness on prevention of child sexual abuse, POCSO, and how to handle disclosure.
ImpactAdult workshops conducted so far for Teaching and Non-Teaching staff in school= 90. It impacted over 80,254 adults so far.
Children Personal body safety workshop from Grade 1- Grade 10 = 110. It impacted over 90,187 children so far.
Activities Conducted
NoActivity / Item / BeneficiariesQuantity / Number, if applicable
1 Awareness workshop for Adults 90
2 Personal Body safety workshop for Children 110
Project NameHEAL
Amount Utilized (INR)777459
Project DescriptionHelping to HEAL Program:
To conduct awareness workshop with Adults (teaching and Non-teaching staff) at Schools and Personal Body safety workshops for Children, from Grade 1 to Grade 10. The aim is to create safer ecosystems for children to thrive in.
LocationsMumbai City > Maharashtra (MH)
CausesEducation > Awareness & advocacy
Beneficiary GroupChildren
Beneficiary DescriptionWe aim to conduct these workshop for Adults in the school i.e. Teaching and Non- Teaching staff, cleaners, bus drivers in the school as well. In the second phase, we conduct these workshops with parents to make then aware about prevention of CSA and how to handle disclosure if a child has been abused. In the third phase, we conduct personal body safety workshop with children from grade 1 to Grade 10. We have age-appropriate modules. These workshops are aimed at teaching children about body safety , identifying safe and unsafe situations and how to respond when some one makes them feel unsafe.
ImpactThe impact is to conduct these workshops in 178 schools across Mumbai.
No. of Adult workshops- 3 in each school= 534 Workshops
No. of Children workshops- 10 in each school = 1780 Workshops
Activities Conducted
NoActivity / Item / BeneficiariesQuantity / Number, if applicable
1 Awareness workshop for Adults 534
2 Personal Body safety workshop for Children 1780
Office Address:
United Way Mumbai,
6th Floor, Mumbai Educational Trust,
Bandra Reclamation, Bandra (West),
Mumbai 400 050
Tel: +91 22 69523100

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