

Economic Justice Programme offers hard skills training, internships, and job placements in collaboration with NGOs and corporate partners. The backbone of the program is the support it provides young women in addressing the barriers that keep them from accessing and retaining employment opportunities such as lack of mobility, concerns around women’s safety, time constraints due to division of labor, and lack of access to sexual reproductive health rights. The funds raised through the Tata Mumbai Marathon will enable 300 young women in Delhi and Mumbai to go through the Economic Justice Programme.

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Cause Area:

Women Impowerment


394715 of 500000
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Our Fundraisers

Nihar Manaswi Mehta
Change Maker
226412 of 200000
Dr Radhika Tonsey
Fundraiser Silver
54102 of 100000
Ajinkya Chaskar
Fundraiser Silver
53500 of 50000
Paritosh Mohite
Fundraiser Bronze
12000 of 25000
Komal Singh
Fundraiser Bronze
10500 of 10000
Sagar Suman Bakshi
9101 of 30000
Avanish Kumar
6500 of 25000
Madina Bi Mohamed Maqbool
4000 of 22000
Sunil Gaikwad
1600 of 10000
Yash Shirish Gadkari
0 of 20000

Fund Utilization in 2024

Total funds raised in 2024 - INR 104609
Project NameThe Young People's Initiative (YPI)
Amount Utilized (INR)104609
Project DescriptionThe funds raised have been incremental in reaching out to adolescent girls and young women in Delhi, Mumbai, and Bengaluru with our flagship programme the Young People’s Initiative (YPI).
Through the YPI, the money raised was specifically used in monitoring the programme activities and capturing impact through our M & E structure. We were able to provide quality sessions on life skills and leadership skills in schools and community sites. We also conducted training for our staff in all three cities on Netball and life skills.
The money also helped us offer a safe and accessible platform for the YPI leaders to practise their leadership skills through the Netball Club Leagues and the Peer Leaders Action Projects. Some of the Peer Leader Action Projects were on topics of washroom sanitation, access to clean water, busting menstruation myths, and gender discrimination.
We also conducted workshops on gender and its impact on girls’ lives with the parents of our school and community sites. The funds helped us conduct outreach, sessions and resource planning.
LocationsBangalore Rural > Karnataka (KA),Mumbai City > Maharashtra (MH),West Delhi > Delhi (DL)
CausesHealth > Awareness & advocacy
Beneficiary GroupChildren,Women
Beneficiary DescriptionAdolescent Girls (10 – 17 years) and Young Women (18-25 years) from urban-rural areas of Mumbai, Delhi, and Bengaluru.
ImpactMaitrayana has empowered 16, 540 adolescent girls and young women since 2021 in Delhi, Mumbai, and Bengaluru.

74% of Young People’s Initiative (YPI) Pragati alumni know how to maintain menstrual health and hygiene during menstruation
98% of YPI Pragati alumni believe girls and boys should have the same rights and economic opportunities
92% of YPI Pragati alumni have the skills & knowledge to speak up against gender-based violence
95% of Economic Justice Programme (EJP) alumni feel confident in discussing and convincing parents on important decisions like education and marriage.
Activities Conducted
NoActivity / Item / BeneficiariesQuantity / Number, if applicable
1 Life & Leadership Skill sessions NA
2 Netball Sessions

Fund Utilization in 2023

Total funds raised in 2023 - INR 217908
Project NameThe Young People's Initiative (YPI)
Amount Utilized (INR)217908
Project DescriptionThe Young People’s Initiative (YPI) is a sport-for-development program that uses sports and life skills to empower adolescent girls (between the ages of 10-18) and young women (19 – 25 years). It provides girls and young women access to safe spaces in sports and builds their leadership.
LocationsBangalore Rural > Karnataka (KA),New Delhi > Delhi (DL),Mumbai suburban > Maharashtra (MH)
CausesPublic Safety > Awareness & advocacy,Health > Sanitation & hygiene,Health > Awareness & advocacy
Beneficiary GroupChildren,Women
Beneficiary DescriptionMaitrayana's program participants are adolescent girls (12-18 years of age) and young women (18-25 years of age) from the rural-urban areas of Mumbai, Delhi, and Bengaluru.
ImpactSome statistics from the impact of YPI in 2022-23 are mentioned below.

- 28% of participants experienced a positive change in self-esteem and confidence
- 46 % of participants had a positive change in sexual health & rights
- 43% of participants scored positively in understanding GBV
- 30% of participants marked a positive change in knowing resources in the community and the support received from their parents
- 27% of participants responded positively in answers regarding their chances to complete their education & make career decisions
- 98% of participants enjoy playing
- 97% of participants say that their academic performance has improved
Activities Conducted
NoActivity / Item / BeneficiariesQuantity / Number, if applicable
1 Life & Leadership Skill sessions 3900
2 Netball Sessions
Office Address:
United Way Mumbai,
6th Floor, Mumbai Educational Trust,
Bandra Reclamation, Bandra (West),
Mumbai 400 050
Tel: +91 22 69523100

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