Founded in the year 2016, NGO RNisarg Foundation focuses on improving civic issues of the city through citizen engagement.
Citizen engagement is brought by:
Self Awareness
Self Discipline
Self Participation
Mission : To build sustainable cities.
Vision : To bring in joy of living for every being.
Currently our areas of intervention are Waste Management, sustainable living and Road safety
Following are our ongoing projects.
1)Prarambh:A local solution for global problem has 2 campaign for school children 1)Waste Management (Follow The Monkey) and 2)Road Safety (SMiles - Safety for Miles)
2) Sakhi: Sustainable Menstrual Practices
3)Green Pharmacy: Safe Disposal of Household Pharmaceutical waste (Expired/unwanted/damaged)
4)Follow the Monkey - 3 level waste Segregation and waste management City level
5)Biomedical Waste Management: Safe Healthcare practice for healthcare providers.


The funds will be utilized on Project Sakhi Adivsai India with its 336 million menstruating population has problems with more than 40 % women not getting access to safe and sustainable Menstrual products.
Project Sakhi adivasi is aimed at addressing the issues pertaining to poverty, health and environmental concerns in lower socioeconomic women
Under Project Sakhi for adivasi , Adivasi villages are adopted to educate women about menstrual health and Hygiene. The project has 4 elements to it:
1. Empower the women with scientific knowledge about Menstruation and help break the myth and taboos surrounding in the topic.
2. Educate about sustainable Menstrual products. Menstrual cup and cloth pads are encouraged. Single Menstrual cup eliminates need for any other Menstrual products by upto 10 yrs.
3. Provide the cloth pad and Menstrual cups with support to use them correctly. Handholding of the women for switching to Menstrual cup is essential and under the project a close follow up for 3 months is done.
4. Create Menstrual trainers in the community for larger outreach and livelihood options.
Through this approach an adivasi women gets empowered to deal with her Menstruation and one empowered women helps in changing an entire village.
The project thereby creates a Trash free / Rash free / Cash free menses.
Environment/ Health and Finance is taken care off.

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Fund Utilization in 2024

Total funds raised in 2024 - INR 27500
Project NameProject Sakhi Adivasi
Amount Utilized (INR)27500
Project DescriptionThe funds were utilised for taking Educational and training workshops on Menstrual health, hygiene and sustainable menstrual products for Adivasi women. For Giving menstrual cup to each beneficiaries and for documentation, follow up and support.
LocationsRaigad > Maharashtra (MH)
CausesEnvironment > Waste management &Clean up
Beneficiary GroupWomen,Tribal community
Beneficiary DescriptionBeneficiaries type: Adivasi Women Age Group: 18-50 Total no. of beneficiaries: 27
ImpactEducated and empowered adivasi women about menstrual health, hygiene and sustainable menstrual products i.e. menstrual cups
2 Menstrual Educator made
27 women choose to take the menstrual cup
100% conversion i.e. 27 beneficiaries converted to using a cup
Reduction of 3240 Disposal Sanitary pads / year (Considering on avg a woman using 10 pads/month)
Savings of Rs. 1200/year/women (Considering cost of Saniatry pads Rs. 100/month/woman)

Activities Conducted
NoActivity / Item / BeneficiariesQuantity / Number, if applicable
1 Educational Workshops 2
2 Training Workshops 2
3 Menstrual cup distribution 27
4 Documentation 2
5 Follow up and support 3

Fund Utilization in 2023

Total funds raised in 2023 - INR 34500
Project NameProject Sakhi Adivasi
Amount Utilized (INR)34500
Project DescriptionFollowing are the Project Activties for which the funds were used:
1) Educational Workshops: Educating and empowering women about Menstrual health, hygiene and sustainable menstrual products
2) Training of the trainer: Making Health care workers and community women menstrual educator i.e Sakhi Trainer for better outreach
3) Donating Menstrual cups and cloth pads to Adivasi women through Sakhi trainers
4) incentivizing Sakhi Trainers
4) Supporting the beneficiaries and helping them to convert in using menstrual cup via tele calling and whatsapp bot
LocationsThane > Maharashtra (MH),Thane > Maharashtra (MH),Palghar > Maharashtra (MH)
CausesEnvironment > Waste management &Clean up ,Environment > Awareness & advocacy,Health > Sanitation & hygiene
Beneficiary GroupWomen,Tribal community
Beneficiary DescriptionGender: Female Age Group: 18-50 No. of Beneficiaries Direct: 30 No. of indirect Beneficiaries: 50
ImpactQuantitative Impact:
1)80 Adivasi (Tribal) Women were educated and empowered about Menstrual health, hygiene and sustainable menstrual products.
2)30 Adivasi (Tribal) Women choose to switch to sustainable menstrual products i.e. menstrual cups and reusable cloth pads
3)96 disposable sanitary pads were reduced / Year/ Woman
4)Financial savings of Rs. 600/year/woman

Qualitative impact:
1) Prevention of environmental pollution caused due to unsafe disposal of disposable sanitary pads
2) Prevention of health hazards like UTI infection, rashes etc caused due to use of disposable sanitary pads
Activities Conducted
NoActivity / Item / BeneficiariesQuantity / Number, if applicable
1 Educational Workshops 2
2 Training Workshop 1
3 Direct Beneficiaries 30

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