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All NGOs listed here represent fantastic causes and by supporting or running for them, you will be making a real difference to the lives of those who truly need it. You can either search by their name or by simply using the cause category filter option. The contact details of each charity can be viewed by clicking on ‘view more’. We encourage you to learn more about their work, connect and if possible visit them. We hope this would be the start of a deeply satisfying and fulfilling life journey with the cause.

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275 NGOs found.
DEEDS is a one stop NGO which focuses on three essential areas; Education, Vocational Training and Job placements for the Deaf. Through its 09 ongoing projects DEEDS is fulfilling its objective of making the Deaf financially self reliant leading to a life filled with purpose, dignity and joy. View more
The HEAL Foundation founded by Rahul Bose in 2008, HEAL (Help Eradicate Abuse Through Learning) through the tool of workshops, aims to educate children and adults on how to recognize, prevent and respond to Child Sexual Abuse. HEAL has reached 110,000 children and adults up till 2022. View more
The Tulsi Trust, founded by Mr. Mithu Chanrai in August 1975 in memory of his father, Mr. Tulsidas Chanrai, focuses on geriatric care, healthcare, skills development, education, and feeding the poor. Its mission is to improve access to food and healthcare, support education and skills training, aid roadside destitute individuals, View more
URJA Trust is a grassroots organization based in Mumbai, India, that acts as a catalyst for young homeless women and LBT+ (Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgenders +) youths for facilitating safe and inclusive spaces, and holistic rehabilitation through health, mental health, developmental support through an intersectional right-based approach. View more
PDMDS is an all India 'Registered Charity Society'. The main objectives of our society is to improve care and treatment of people living with Parkinson's and its spectrum disorders and to disseminate knowledge amongst the medical community, public, patients and caretakers. View more
Activities Provide Child Friendly Atmosphere With A View To Rehabilitate The Children And Their Families Giving Them Quality Counselling And Guidance. Education Is Supported Till Age Of 22 While Counselling Is Provided For Children Through Happy Feet Project. For Parents Happy Home Project Is Provided. View more
At Kalapuri Foundation, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive. That’s why we’re committed to helping artisans achieve economic independence and a better quality of life. We work to improve artisans’ livelihoods and empower them by providing them access to markets and resources. View more
ARMMAN (Advancing Reduction in Mortality and Morbidity of Mothers, Children and Neonates) founded in 2008, is an India-based non-profit leveraging mHealth technology to create scalable, cost-effective, equity-based and gender-transformative, non-linear, systemic solutions to reduce maternal and child mortality/morbidity in India. We create at-scale programs with proven impact by partnering with View more
People for Animals- Bangalore (PFA), is a non-profit conservation organisation working on the rescue, recovery, rehabilitation & release of urban wildlife. We aim to create awareness, amongst citizens of all ages and backgrounds, about urban wildlife, and to instil a deep regard for their cohabitation needs through community outreach and View more
V Care Foundation Is A Voluntary Support Group Dedicated To Provide Emotional Support To Cancer Patients And Their Families. View more
IIFL Group is one of the largest financial services conglomerates in India promoted by first-generation entrepreneurs. IIFL Foundation was set up to facilitate and channelize all the CSR initiatives and interventions of IIFL Group. Together, we are playing a significant role in nation building both through IIFL Group’s business activities View more
Sujaya Foundation has been bridging the linguistic and digital divide in India, since 2002. The aim of the Foundation is to provide education and employ-ability skills by leveraging technology and incorporating the best pedagogical practices at an elementary, as well as, at an advanced Level. Under our 'Empower Youth Program', we View more
Skilled Samaritan Foundation works on providing steady income opportunities to women, girls and artisans from marginalized communities across India, who do not have a formal education. This is done by providing skill development trainings and design support. Over the past decade, SSF have worked with 5,000+ livelihoods across 5 states in View more
Our mission is to embrace those in greatest need, offering them the support and care of a compassionate family. We strive to empower them by providing opportunities to access high-quality healthcare, education, and sustainable livelihoods. Through our efforts, we aim to create a positive and lasting impact on their lives, View more
NDF has been silently and passionately working in the areas of Health and Education since 1981. Our mission is to support and help the underprivileged with education and health. We believe, no lives should be lost and no child should be deprived of a good education due to lack of View more
The Society for Human & Environmental Development (SHED) is a voluntary, non - profit organisation that works to transform the lives of underprivileged children and youth residing in the slums of Mumbai. The society was founded in 1982, with the sole purpose of improving the living conditions of slum dwellers View more
Sethu is a bridge between children and their families, schools and communities to foster their complete development through assessments, therapy, educational initiatives, training, awareness and capacity building View more
More than 50% of child mortality occurs below the age of 5 years and is attributed to malnourishment. Annam's vision is to have a world where no child is undernourished. Annam provides natural, nutritious food supplements to undernourished children and expecting mothers, with the aim of helping them overcome their View more
Make-A-Wish India is a children’s non-profit organisation that grants the most cherished wishes of children between the ages of 3-18 years living with critical illnesses View more
TRRAIN ( Trust for Retailers and Retail Associates of India) is a public charitable trust ,set up by B S Nagesh in the year 2011, with the sole objective of empowering people in retail and works to achieve immediate and lasting change in the lives of retail associates in India. View more
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