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All NGOs listed here represent fantastic causes and by supporting or running for them, you will be making a real difference to the lives of those who truly need it. You can either search by their name or by simply using the cause category filter option. The contact details of each charity can be viewed by clicking on ‘view more’. We encourage you to learn more about their work, connect and if possible visit them. We hope this would be the start of a deeply satisfying and fulfilling life journey with the cause.

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275 NGOs found.
Sahaara Charitable Society was founded in 1994 with the vision of Fulfilling Dreams of the Vulnerable and Marginalised in Society focusing on Remedial Education to children in red-light districts (RLD) and government homes, Holistic care through Education Hostels for children from RLD and Reintegrating CSWs and prisoners through alternate livelihoods. View more
Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care programme gives you the wonderful opportunity to fill your life with love, compassion, happiness and contentment, by making a difference to lives around you. It is an initiative to offer service and bring joy to the lives of the underprivileged sections of our society. View more
Spreading smiles among those children who need it most. We provide quality education combined with good nourishment to children. We take care of the primary, secondary and higher secondary schooling of the children and extra expenses like food, clothing, and tuition. View more
Kalote Animal Shelter is home to 650 rescued and abandoned animals which include dogs, cats, pigs, donkeys, goats, chickens, cows, buffaloes and Horses. View more
Subhiksha Voluntary Organization is a registered non government organization founded on 8th October 2009 by a group of trained and qualified professional Social workers to help and support differently abled children of all ages and disabilities including Intellectual Disability , Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Disabilities Hearing Impaired and Physically Challenged. View more
GTTF has been a pioneer in India’s employability enhancement & skill development initiatives driven by technology & digital learning. Partnered with Global Corporations, Colleges and Government bodies GTTF provides ‘Quality with Scale’ programs delivered using technologies and compelling content. View more
Our Mission is to empower the economically disadvantaged women and support education of the children from urban slums by operating and, encouraging the setting up of, Community Engagement Centers. Our work is in the areas of Education and Women's empowerment through skilling and providing economic opportunities. View more
CEQUE enables teachers to learn and teach better. We upskill government school teachers to bridge the gap in quality education for the rural poor. We coach teachers in innovative and effective teaching practices and strategies that impact student learning. We also mentor school leaders in academic leadership skills that provide View more
WRSSF works with 17 Partner NGOs from Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa and the Union Territory of Dadra Nagar Haveli. WRSSF acts as a co-coordinating and facilitating organization. Vision: To establish a just society where Gospel values of Love Equity and Peace are live and nurtured. Mission: To promote human dignity of all, View more
ReBeat, project of Ethos Foundation, aims to cultivate a CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) aware India, increase AED availability and empowering citizens to save lives. Initiative offers workshops & online courses to citizens in educational institutions, workplaces, housing communities, to equip them with skills necessary for responding to Sudden Cardiac View more
CLT India (Regd. as Children's LoveCastles Trust) is a not-for-profit EdTech social enterprise working in the field of education to help remote teachers and students in government schools access quality digital educational materials to overcome the challenges of teacher shortage, lack of subject matter expertise in STEM, lack of connectivity View more
VIDYA seeks to address the lack of quality education and empowerment opportunities for lesser privileged children and youth View more
Pratham is an innovative learning organization created in 1995 to improve the quality of education in India. Established in 1995 to provide education to children in the slums of Mumbai, it is today one of the largest non-governmental organizations in the country. Pratham focuses on high-quality, low-cost, and replicable interventions View more
Akhil Gramin Yuva Vikas Samiti (AGYVS) is one of the premier Non-Government Organizations in Bihar established in 1975. Since establishment, it is working with the marginalized and the deprived communities mainstreaming them with economic and social development, improving their living status, health status, education, leadership skill, entrepreneurship and sustainable livelihood View more
Sarthak Foundation started with the belief that no child should be left behind for being born at an economic and social disadvantage. With a vision of Happy Empowered Children, it reaches out to children through education and skills, to make them self-sustainable and break out of abject poverty. View more
The mission of DESIRE Society is to improve the lives of children struggling with the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in India. The NGO provide shelter, food, medical treatment, education and psycho-social support to help these victims achieve their full life potential. View more
To work nationwide, for the cause and care of the disadvantaged older persons and to improve their quality of life View more
SAMMAN ASSOCIATION formerly known as Indian Epilepsy Association, Bombay Chapter, has been working for people with epilepsy and caregivers since 1971. Programs it conducts include Rural Medical Clinics (medicines given free/at nominal rate), Support Group Meetings, Educational & Awareness programs at hospitals and schools, Personality Development and Training View more
K Corp Charitable Foundation works on high impact projects that are sustainable and scalable with a vision of Food and Nutrition for all. We aim to contribute holistically to the first 1000 days which lays the foundation of optimum health, growth and brain development for an individual. View more
Katayst aims to address these challenges by preparing women in professional education so that they have the knowledge, skills and attitude to get better job opportunities and also move up the career ladder. View more
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