Ahana Bakliwal
Fundraiser Bronze

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Tata Mumbai Marathon 2024

I'm on a mission to try to make a difference by taking a step towards creating a world where every child can live a life free from fear and abuse. Child Abuse is a topic that is not often discussed, but its about time we change that. Child abuse is not something that just takes place in the present moment but it has long-term effects and it's heartbreaking to even imagine what one may go through. Many a times children are not equipped to deal with this on their own and that is where the HEAL foundation steps in it is their goal to help eradicate abuse through learning. However, they cannot achieve this vision alone. They rely on the support of compassionate individuals like you to help them carry out and continue their work crucial to society. Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant impact in the lives of vulnerable children. By donating to HEAL, you are not just giving financial support, but you are also investing in a brighter and safer future for our children.

My Fundraising Goal
` 23811 of ` 50000

About Me
Hi, I am Ahana Bakliwal and I study in the Cathedral and John Connon School where I have been given the remarkable opportunity to help and raise funds for the philanthropic, charitable mission of helping eradicate abuse through learning. Join me in supporting the HEAL foundation's mission to create a world where every child can live a life free from fear and abuse. Your support is crucial in helping pave the way towards a safer, more compassionate world for all children. Together, we can make a real difference and ensure that every child has the opportunity to grow up in a nurturing and secure environment.
1 Donor Messages
"Keep up the good work "
2nd November 2023
My Fundraising Goal
` 23811 of ` 50000

Raising Money For
The HEAL Foundation
The HEAL Foundation founded by Rahul Bose in 2008, HEAL (Help Eradicate Abuse Through Learning) through the tool of workshops, aims to educate children and adults on how to recognize, prevent and respond to Child Sexual Abuse. HEAL has reached 110,000 children and adults up till 2022.
6 Supporters
Shreeja Pahade
Abhinav Pahade
Sweety Agrawal
Deepali Bakliwal
* Supporter count includes those chosen to remain anonymous and not listed here