About Me
I believe that every woman and child counts and a little support in making sure that more women and children have access to services that will help them live a safe and healthy life - is the least one can offer.
Let us all come together and donate for this wonderful cause.
Health Equity amongst the urban poor can be a powerful agent of change. Similar to health being critical to a child's development, health equity is an indispensable milestone of a community's development. This can be achieved by strengthening the community's capacity to access public health services while working with public health systems to provide quality services and by changing knowledge, attitudes and behaviours.
SNEHA (Society for Nutrition, Education and Health Action) is a step towards bridging the health equity gap and going beyond fighting illness to Raising Health For All.
SNEHA holistically addresses preventive and promotive healthcare with special focus on vulnerable women and children.
SNEHA is HSBC India’s shortlisted charity for the Tata Mumbai Marathon 2025.