Vidushi Mahajan



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We, the people, have a vital question before us – humans have such amazing abilities, then why are we so beset with problems? We have reached the moon & Mars and yet seem unable to solve questions like divorce rates, poverty, crime, lifestyle diseases, to name a few.
Natural abilities are great in humans. But there is a lacuna in our education. Like an untended garden with all the right seeds but no gardener, humanity has no mentor. The best mentor is the right education.

Education today is seen as a mere means to livelihood. The role of education is far more overreaching. It ought to prepare one for every aspect of life – career, health, relationships, happiness, social consciousness, human development. The right education makes us original thinkers who not only solve problems but also do not create them. It is education that converts us from being helpless victims of circumstances to dynamic achievers in all circumstances.

The Vedanta Wisdom Trust proposes to start a single domain Vedanta University which will impart the education that is the need of the hour. The main discipline of the university will be Vedanta, the ancient Indian philosophy of life and living. This education develops the human intellect. It aims to train youngsters to become life-ready, not just career-ready. The university is designed to develop original thinking and to become an international centre of learning.

This is an ambitious, path-breaking, and herculean task- setting up a world-class Vedanta university, the very first of its kind. Having acquired the land for the proposed university, we request your support in the next stage of this project to bring our vision to life. Your contribution will be used for the construction of the institution building, housing and core facilities required to run its programs




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