Disha Thakur



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Join Us in Empowering Adolescent Girls in Rural Raigad!

At empowHER India, we envision a future where women can fully realize their potential and become catalysts for positive change in their communities. For over three decades, we have focused on uplifting the women of Panvel by providing essential knowledge and resources. Our initiatives have expanded from financial inclusion to vital areas such as education, sanitation, and access to clean water, all driven by the needs and voices of the women we serve.

This year, we are raising funds to support our programs aimed at empowering rural adolescent girls in the Raigad and Aurangabad districts. Our projects focus on enhancing their socio-emotional well-being, decision-making skills, health and nutrition knowledge, gender equity awareness, and financial literacy. Through interactive life skills sessions, community engagement activities, and mobilization efforts, we are committed to creating lasting positive change in the lives of these young girls.

Additionally, we are addressing critical hygiene and sanitation challenges in upper primary schools in Raigad District. Many schools struggle with inadequate sanitation facilities and a lack of awareness about menstrual hygiene management, which adversely affects the health and academic performance of students, particularly adolescent girls. To combat these issues, we are constructing toilets in schools and implementing behavior change communication programs to promote better hygiene practices.

Your support is vital. Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant impact on the lives of these girls. Together, we can empower them to become confident, informed, and responsible citizens.

Join us in this important journey to create a brighter future for adolescent girls in rural Raigad. Thank you for your generosity!




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