Smruti has a post gratuate degree in Sanskrit and is working at TIH - IITB. She is associated with Samskrita Bharati for around 20 years. She is keen to contribute her bit by supporting socio-national activities.
<p>Education is the foundation for life’s journey, and it is time to re-imagine it. This is why I am supporting the campaign by Samskrita Bharati to take Samskritam to one and all in a direct method to understand the archaic language without any translation. This exciting social and educational institution is founded on the principles of connecting with the basics to open the rich past treasures of knowledge for a better tomorrow. My campaign will support grassroot education by providing infrastructure facilities across the rural and urban corners. In the past 42 years over ten million students have been touched with the Sambhashan Shibirams conducted by Samskrita Bharati. It is now time to make it more available and hence effective with empowered support of outreach.</p><p><br></p>