Asmi Karnik


TMM 2024


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About Me

I'm Asmi Karnik, a grade 11 student


I’m participating in the 2024 Tata Mumbai Marathon along with Nargis Dutt Foundation for aiding against the cause of Cancer. I’m raising funds for Nutritional Kits for children taking treatment at Tata Memorial Hospital. Nutrition is a critical part of the health and positive development of children fighting cancer. Eating the right amount of protein and calories is important for healing, fighting infections, coping with the side effects of cancer and maintaining a healthy immune system. Each kit costs Rs 750/- only. Your donation can aid an unprivelleged child fighting cancer enjoy good nutritional food for a month. Each kit consists of Roasted Soya Bean Powder, Roasted Moong Dal Power, Roasted Ragi Power, Halim Seeds, Flax Seeds and Nutritional Cookies. The nutrition kit not only adds value and variety to the food, but also gives children additional strength to take their treatment and beat their enemy. The kits are distributed through the nutrition cell of Tata Hospital during the counseling session with the parent and child, and no kit is randomly distributed. The products are sourced from the Vendor approved Tata Hospital. Every donation will recieve a tax benefit.  Remember, every donation counts. No donation is too small. I encourage you to donate generously for this noble cause. 




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