Christina Grace Kapoor


TMM 2024


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About Me

I am a volunteer at the Gunvati J Kapoor Medical Relief Charitable Foundation from more then a decade. Volunteer work has always been very close to my heart and since joining the foundation I along with the GJK team have created a difference in the life of cancer patients through various initiatives over the years. We strive to work with patients with empathy, and gratitude in our hearts and we would love to have you join us in this mission. Another initiative is maternal health, where we aim to see to it that pregnant women deliver safely in urban slums. Do join hands with me for bringing smiles into these beneficiary lives.


Cancer is a disease which is very close to my heart. People suffering from this disease go through a significant amount of trauma both physically and emotionally. In addition the cost of treatment takes a toll on the patient and their families. I would like to appeal to all of you to join hands with me and donate towards a #CancerFreeIndia.

Women and children have a special need and urban slums in Mumbai, have a massive need for awareness about prenatal care and postnatal care. Lets contribute towards awareness. 




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