United Way Mumbai
United Way Mumbai (Debopama Testing)

Debopama Bandyopadhyay


TMM 2024


Campaigner Badge


100 of 10000


About Me

Hello, I am Debopama. I am currently based out of Mumbai and associated with UWM. My name might be difficult to pronounce at first, so you can refer to me as DB as people find it easier. However my name and I am not so important here, what matters is the cause that I am supporting. Everyone who knows me knows that I have always been vocal about women empowerment and labour rights. I chose to support Shaksham because it helps women with skills training and entrepreneurship support and empowers them with financial literacy too which will lead to improving the gender disparity.


Hey supporter! You must’ve received my appeal and you chose to visit my page, thank you for that. When we fundraise for any cause that means not only you yourself believe in it, but there’s a need for it. Through my appeal, I'll try to tell you how amazing one of UWM’s projects i.e. SAKSHAM is.

SAKSHAM, just like its name, the project is trying to uplift the financial ability of women from marginalised communities. It has a holistic approach to it as it includes financial literacy (Awareness sessions on banking, budgeting, savings and short/long term investments), need-based skills training and entrepreneurship support (toolkit and providing financial support to kickstart their own ventures). Amazing, isn’t it! You can be a part of this too by:
a) donating according to your wish
b) sharing this appeal within your network and letting other people know about the initiative

Any contribution can make a huge difference and it will directly reach the beneficiaries and will impact their families and break the gender disparity cycle. Your contribution will go towards the tool kit that are provided to kickstart the ventures. I have seen how amazingly some of these products are being made and how great entrepreneurs they all are. They all can grow more if we come together and provide an extended hand to them through this campaign.




100 of 10000
1 supporters

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