Mahira Menghani


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Tata Mumbai Marathon 2025

Hi, I am Mahira from Mumbai! I am born and brought up in Mumbai. I am running the Mumbai marathon after a hiatus of 12 years. One of the major reasons is my health did not permit me. These few years have made me realise that Health is wealth. This year I am participating in the Tata Mumbai Marathon which is indeed special since it is my first time after being a mother. Another special reason is CanKids. I express my deepest gratitude for being able to support them who are working for children suffering from cancer. I will be running the Tata Mumbai Marathon to support and raise funds for them. Mumbai is considered as the city of dreams. I believe all of us can do our bit to fulfil the dreams of these kids in whatever way we can. Children are the beauty of God present in the world! I believe together we can create a better world and a more inclusive environment for these children in any possible way. I humbly request all my family and friends to donate whatever amount you can, as no amount is small. In fact will really go a long way in helping these brave little kids. Thanks for your support : Your Support Matters! ​Your support brings #AccessToCare for every child with cancer Your support brings a child closer to their #RightToHealth Your support provides medical support through our 125 Cankids Hospital Support Units across the country Your support enables us to give care through our Holistic approach to Cancer through Accommodation, Transport, Nutrition, Blood & Psychological support Your support gives a child Education through our one of a kind, CanShalas - and so much more
My Fundraising Goal

About Me

Hi, I am Mahira from Mumbai! I am born and brought up in Mumbai. I am running the Mumbai marathon after a hiatus of 12 years. One of the major reasons is my health did not permit me. These few years have made me realise that Health is wealth. This year I am participating in the Tata Mumbai Marathon which is indeed special since it is my first time after being a mother. Another special reason is CanKids. I express my deepest gratitude for being able to support them who are working for children suffering from cancer. I will be running the Tata Mumbai Marathon to support and raise funds for them. Mumbai is considered as the city of dreams. I believe all of us can do our bit to fulfil the dreams of these kids in whatever way we can. Children are the beauty of God present in the world! I believe together we can create a better world and a more inclusive environment for these children in any possible way. I humbly request all my family and friends to donate whatever amount you can, as no amount is small. In fact will really go a long way in helping these brave little kids. Thanks for your support :)
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* Supporter count includes those chosen to remain anonymous and not listed here