Prashanti Suyog Tambe


TMM 2024


TMM 2020

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About Me

I am Prashanti Tambe associated with Gyansaathi, a Project of Karunya Trust for the Ragpicking Community near the Dumping Ground, Govandi.


Last year all 21 Gyansaathi std 10th children passed SSC Board exams. This is huge for us as Gyansaathi children are from Rafik Nagar area. Nestled in the womb of the dumping ground is an area called Rafik Nagar with around 1000 families and mostly inhabited by children.. Children who love to read and write and grow as normal kids but sadly they are not born in homes like ours. In our homes, our kids study, play, quarrel, fight, are loved, nurtured and cared for when ill... but in here, the reality is different. Parents have to be coaxed to send their children to school, my Gyansaathi kids see everything they should not have to see as kids - drugs, fights, crime, violence, abuse... as children they should not belong to this world. But sadly, without any fault of theirs, they are born there and become part of it, snatched out of their childhood. Our Gyansaathi team goes to the Basti, encourages the mothers to send their kids to school, takes them for health checkups and provides nutritious food every day. In the last 12 years, we have supported more than 2000 children, 100 children wrote Grade 10th and around 30 children wrote Grade 12th. More than 1200 children were enrolled into formal schools and more than 10000 children and parents were given health care. This is possible only because of Each one of you who supported Me. Thank You. Like my Gyansaathi children say Denewala amir hai, Thank You for your rich hearts. God Bless You much... "the one who began a good work among us will bring it to completion".




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Karunya Trust

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