Sumanth Cidambi


TMM 2020

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About Me

Greetings. I am a passionate runner and ultramarathoner from Bengaluru, India.

I believe that people should have affordable access to housing, sanitation, education and healthcare. One of India’s challenges is getting children to stay in school, even more so in the case of the girl child.

As you can read from my appeal above, I am supporting Habitat For Humanity India’s ‘STAY AT SCHOOL’ campaign that focuses on building improved sanitation units in schools and counselling support on menstrual health hygiene for adolescent girls. I will be running the Tata Mumbai Marathon in 2020 to raise awareness and funding for this worthy cause.

Do support generously. Thank you for reading this.



Every year, over 23 million girls in India drop out of school after attaining puberty. Due to lack of improved sanitation units, young girls stop going to school during menstruation for the fear of being shamed. Absence of toilets, lack of access to sanitary pads and knowledge of menstrual hygiene make them vulnerable to major infections, which left unaddressed, affects reproductive health and their overall health. It is critical for our girls to break free of shame and constraints attached to menstruation.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY INDIA™s STAY AT SCHOOL campaign is a direct outreach program aimed at combating this and reversing the trend in favour of a girl child™s right to education, healthcare and sanitation.

I am partnering with Habitat for Humanity India to both raise awareness and actively support this cause! Your generous support will help us build gender segregated sanitation facilities in schools that lack a decent sanitation unit. We will also carry out structured behavior change communication program to sensitise students and school staff on sanitation, hygiene and to sensitise adolescent girls on puberty and menstrual health management.

Our campaign also supports United Nations™ Sustainable Development Goal 6 Clean Water and Sanitation and Goal 4 namely Quality Education.

More information is available at




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