Shailesh Bipinchandra Wagle
Fundraiser Bronze

TMM 2024


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Tata Mumbai Marathon 2024

Malnutrition has always been a public health challenge I am very interested in. Being a Mumbaikar, Karjat is a weekend getaway for most of Mumbai and Punekars but we never saw the darker side until I started working on project Poshan by United Way Mumbai. Karjat which is mostly rural and tribal is grappled with many cases of malnutrition most of who are moderate or severely underweight. This leads to not only deaths but long-term health impacts on children who survive. At United Way Mumbai, I lead the project Poshan and I have made it a personal goal to lead my team in making the villages Malnutrition-Free. This will involve a lot of training, interactions, food supplementations, and other activities. You can support United Way Mumbai through funds that will enable us to reach more and more children in Karjat who need our support. Remember, we can start saving the world by saving one life at a time!
My Fundraising Goal

About Me
My name is Dr. Shailesh Wagle and I am a public health expert. At United Way Mumbai, I lead the health projects which include interventions on Malnutrition, Hepatitis B, Covid-19, and much more. I have been with UWM for 8 years and have witnessed the growth and impact we create in people's lives.
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1 Donor Messages
"Thank you Shailesh!"
2nd February 2024
My Fundraising Goal
Raising Money For
United Way Mumbai
United Way Mumbai works in urban and rural communities across the country to identify and implement the most impactful solutions to community problems. We drive change in the areas of Education, Health, Income, Environment and Public Safety through evidence-based strategies and multi-stakeholder partnerships. Across all we do, we remain committed to SOCIAL IMPACT. DONE RIGHT.
7 Supporters
Subrata Kumar Mitra
Bipinchandra Wagle
Lekha Wagle
* Supporter count includes those chosen to remain anonymous and not listed here